Guide to Hosting Friday Night Dinner

Have you thought about cooking a Friday Night Dinner?

PMYC has great facilities ready and waiting for your use.


The chef’s Sign-up Sheet is on the galley door.

Simply pick an open Friday, write your name on the appropriate line, the entrée you will be serving, and the cost of the dinner. (Recommended cost per person: $12-$15)

The week before your dinner:

  • The member sign-up sheet will be posted on the galley door. Check it Thursday evening to see how many members will participating. Plan for around 5 extra plates for members who did not sign up.
  • Write your menu and other info on the white board next to the liquor closet. This will help advertise your dinner.
  • Create an email blast with a description of your menu, cost, time, and any other info you would like to include. You may include a flyer in pdf format if you wish. Send the email to Brian Drawert at Your email will be sent to the membership. It is recommended that the email blast go out the Monday before your dinner.

Now that I signed up—what do I do?

The dinner choice is yours-variety is the spice of life. The intent of the FND is to offer our members an affordable, fun opportunity to socialize and enjoy each other’s company. It really does not matter if you like to cook-there are so many options for dinner available in our area.

Family favorites are wonderful:

  • Lasagna, bag salad, garlic bread, and dessert
  • Jambalaya, Shrimp Creole and Red Beans and Rice
  • Homemade chili and soups are a big hit during the winter
  • Pasta, meatballs, Italian sausage and sauce
  • Meatloaf and baked potatoes

Delivery/Take Out:

  • Carne Asada, Enchiladas, Beans, and Rice
  • Taco Cart
  • Weho puts out a great spread


  • BBQ Ribs
  • Pre-packaged steaks/burgers, readymade potato/macaroni salad, bread, Ice Cream sandwiches for dessert.

For members that do not routinely cook for large parties these next tips will help you pull the meal together like a pro.

How many people will we be serving?

  • A typical FND finds 30-40 hungry folks eager to sample the evening’s fare. If you post a sign-up sheet you will have a very good final count by Thursday. Also, keep in mind that the folks that signed up for your dinner receive preference over walk-ins.

How much should we charge?

  • The cost of the dinner should cover all of your out-of-pocket expenses. For example; you are serving 30 people and the food cost $300.00 (Maximum reimbursement) You should charge a minimum of $12-$15. ($300/30=$10) PMYC should profit around $100.
  • The extra money collected will be designated to fund activities and upgrades for the club. Please put the funds collected (less your reimbursement) and receipts in an envelope marked “FND, (include the date) and place in the slot in the bar door.

How much food will you need?

  • Prepared foods, such as frozen entrees and veggies: follow the package for portions per container.
  • Good Tip: 1 pound of total food per person

(30 lbs = 30 people)

Where do I shop to get the best buy on bulk groceries?

  • Smart & Final – located throughout our area.
  • Costco – requires a membership but there are several close to the marina.
  • Local grocery stores have weekly advertised sales.

Now that I have all the stuff, it will not fit in my refrigerator. What do I do?

  • Any items that need refrigeration/freezing can be stored downstairs prior to the dinner.
  • The House manager or Club Officers will unlock the door and help you put items away. There are two additional refrigerators/freezers downstairs.

OK – Dinner is in the refrigerator at the club – What do I serve it on?

  • Ceramic plates, silverware, and serving trays are available at the club. Note, they must be washed by hand or in the dishwasher before you leave.
  • Steamers, chafers and Sterno are available.
  • Disposable paper products are not provided by the club. Therefore, you would purchase all paper/plastic goods and include the cost in your reimbursing.


  • Whether you are cooking everything at the club or simply reheating, will determine what time you need to start. Dinner is normally served between 6:30-7:00.
  • The ovens need to be pre-heated to 400 degrees for approx. 45 minutes.
  • Frozen entrees will take an hour to an hour and a half to heat.
  • Full trays of chilled food will take 45 minutes to an hour to warn.
  • Aluminum foil, Saran wrap and paper towels are available in the galley.
  • A cash bank is provided by the House Manager so you can make change. The cash drawer in the top left hand drawer as you enter the kitchen on the serving counter.
  • When you are ready to serve, ring the ship’s bell right outside the galley door. Watch out! Folks will come running!
  • Diners pay for their dinner before they are served. You, or a friend, should collect the money before dishing the food.
  • Serve dinner or let the members serve themselves, depending on the entrée. If you want to control the portions, you should serve the food.

After Dinner:

  • Count the money you collected.
  • Repay the cash bank you started with by putting the money in an envelope marked “FND Bank” (add the date), add the receipts and drop in the slot in the bar door.
  • Reimburse yourself for the cost of the dinner, up to $300.
  • Place the remaining funds in an envelope marked “FND” (add your name and the date) and place it in the slot in the bar door. If you wish the funds to be directed to a particular club activity, such as kitchen fund, kid’s slip fishing, etc, mark the envelope appropriately.
  • Last, but not least, make sure the galley is clean and garbage emptied. Feel free to enlist some friends to help you.

Now is the time to relax and enjoy the compliments!
